An American Fever Dream
President Hobo: An American Fever Dream is a new weekly serial here on Whatnot, etc. It's partly an absurdist reaction to the absurdity of the current state of US politics, partly a buddy comedy road trip story, and partly a bizarro dive into the strange and multifaceted place that is the United States of America. It's my first real stab at serialized fiction, so I'm excited and terrified to see where it goes. Won't you join me in excitement and terror? Please? It's so dank and lonely here. There were others in the dark, but it's been days since the scrabbling stopped. Perhaps they escaped. Perhaps they lie in wait, biding their time until I venture out again, prodding my way along the corridors with only the sweating rock walls to guide me.
Just kidding. Not about the serial, that's happening. Here's a synopsis!
The year: 20$$. American Presidents have been outlawed. Now, more than forty ex-commanders-in-chief will have to work together if they want to save Democracy. It's a coast to coast road trip through Real America, Fake America, and all the Americas in between. From Heartland to Buttland, sea to rising sea. Is the American dream still alive, or is it nothing but a nightmare?
New chapters every Saturday.