Whatnot, etc.

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R.I.P. Sage, 2001? - August 21, 2017

I met him at a shelter, unsure of his age (a year? Two years?) in 2002. I was seventeen, and we got along well right off the bat.

He had a song like a siren, always with something to say. He'd greet you with a friendly trill and tell you all the stories he had. In return, he'd listen to yours. He also demanded tributes of pettings and brushes, of which he was never sated.

He was a gentle friend, but a sharp hunter. Bane of chipmunks and wrestler of coyotes, he never lost a fight, but he'd always come home and trade baths with Millicent.

He left on the day of the Eclipse, just hours before it started. As many days as we had together, I'll always wish we had more. I'll miss you, Sage.